Get information and support Your stories Ellie and Freya's story Ellie and Freya's story Ellie contacted our helplines with concerns about her daughter Freya’s recently issued Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan. Section F of the EHC plan stated that Freya must receive occupational therapy (OT) sessions as part of her special educational provision. However, as there was no local OT provider, the nearest sessions Ellie and Freya could attend were a 1.5 hour bus trip away. This journey was exhausting, and it meant that Freya was not getting the full benefit from these essential sessions due to being so tired when she arrived. She also had to take a whole day off school to attend, and Ellie could not go to work as she needed to accompany her. During the annual review of the EHC plan, Ellie asked the local authority (LA) to fund the transport or to give her a personal budget, and reminded them of their duty to ensure the provision in the plan is made. It was at this point Ellie called our helpline for advice on whether she should receive funded transport for Freya to attend the OT sessions. Help from IPSEA Ellie spoke with one of our Advice Line volunteers who explained that although she was not entitled to transport (despite the provision being specified in the EHC plan), the LA could choose to exercise its discretion to arrange suitable transportation. If they refused to do so, the LA would be unable to fulfil their legal obligation to provide occupational therapy, as there were no other local OT providers. Ellie went back to the LA armed with our advice and within two weeks the LA had agreed to fund the transport costs. Ellie told us, “Speaking with Sarah on the Advice Line gave me the confidence to keep going and go back to the LA. I was determined not to be fobbed off. I felt empowered, revitalised and determined that I now had the knowledge to write the email I needed to write. Having the transport funded has been life changing for Freya." Ellie explained, “The OT provision in Freya’s EHC plan was the most important part. Although I was aware Freya struggled with sensory overload, I had no knowledge of interception or proprioception. The OT Freya has received has given us a huge insight into the areas she struggles with and why. We had noticed Freya had certain ways she liked to do things but not fully understood the reasons behind her preferences. To be able to understand what is going on for Freya has enabled us to make her daily life easier and better advocate for her. We have also been able to learn how to help Freya self-regulate which has had a huge impact on her and us as a family”. Ellie continued, “The access to transport for these sessions has ensured she gets the most from the therapy. Freya’s confidence to try new things has grown dramatically and this confidence has spilled over into other areas of Freya’s life. She was so used to not being able to try new things she just stopped. She arrives fresh for each session, does not have to miss a day of school and I can also go to work." Manage Cookie Preferences