Get information and support Free legal guides and template letters Young people (aged 16-25) Are you a young person? Young people (aged 16-25): getting extra help FAQs My college has said it has given me all the support it can but I need more. What can I do? You can ask for your local authority (LA) to carry out an EHC needs assessment. This is a detailed assessment of your educational, health and care needs and how to support you. You can use our template letter to help you with this, or your college can ask for you. The person at college whose job it is to make sure pupils get help and support (sometimes called a SENCO) can help you with this request. Your parent or carer can also help you make the request. Your college should be doing everything it can to make sure you get the support you need, including thinking about making a request for an EHC needs assessment. After the EHC needs assessment, it may be possible to get extra help beyond what college can offer through something called an EHC plan. You can find out more about EHC plans here. Manage Cookie Preferences