No. If you have special educational needs you might need some extra help in college and your college should do everything it can to find out what you want to achieve and how it can support you to achieve that. Your school should share the information it has about the support it gives you with the college – ideally in the spring term before you move on.

 It is similar to the support schools have to provide but there is also focus on helping you prepare for the future.

The college should work with you, your current school and your parents, to decide what support you need and how to provide it.  

Your college should have someone who makes sure pupils get the support they need, and you could arrange to speak with them about what support the college offers. You could also look at its SEN policies online.

You can find out more about how college can support you here.

If you have an EHC plan, the local authority must review and update it so it includes where you learn when you finish school. There are rules about how this must happen. See here for more information.