No, not if you do not want to.

You have the right to mediation whenever you can appeal a decision in the SEND Tribunal, even if you only want to appeal section I (placement), but you don’t have to attend mediation.

What you do need to do if you want to appeal sections B and F is contact the mediation adviser within 2 months of the decision letter/ letter enclosing the final EHC plan and speak to them about mediation. They will give you some information about mediation and you can decide if it is right for you.

If not, that is fine. Simply tell the adviser and they must send to you a mediation certificate within 3 working days. You will need this certificate to make your appeal so keep hold of it. Your appeal form with the certificate needs to be submitted to the SEND Tribunal within 2 months from the date on your LA’s decision letter/ letter enclosing the final EHC plan or one month from the date on the mediation certificate, whichever is later.

If you decide to give it a go, your LA will arrange for it and after the mediation you receive a mediation certificate. If you still need to appeal (because full agreement has not been reached), you can use this certificate to submit your appeal.