Section G is where we see health care provision reasonably required by the learning difficulties or disabilities which result in a child or young person having special educational needs. It can include any other health care provision reasonably required by a child or young person too.

The inclusion of health care provision in Section G must be agreed by the responsible commissioning body (usually the integrated care board). This means that your local authority (LA) cannot decide on its own to include health care provision into an EHC plan, it needs to be agreed first.

Once health care provision is agreed and specified in Section G of the EHC plan, it is the legal duty of the responsible commissioning health body to provide it. This is set out in section 42(3) of the Children and Families Act 2014

If this is not being provided you will need to complain to the relevant health body, not your LA. If complaining to the health body is not appropriate – for example, because the matter is serious and urgent – you may need to consider judicial review instead.

There is more information on enforcing other sections of an EHC plan and health care on our website.