There isn’t an automatic right to keep your EHC plan when you are 25. But your local authority (LA) has the power to keep your EHC plan going until the end of the academic year in which you turn 25.

Guidance, which the LA must follow unless it has a good reason not to, says support should generally stop at the end of the academic year so young people can complete their study (paragraph 9.207 SEND Code of Practice).

This means:

  • If you go to college, the LA could keep your EHC plan going until the 31st July after you turn 25.
  • If you are an apprentice, the LA could keep your EHC plan going until your apprenticeship training finishes or the day before your 26th birthday if you’ll turn 26 before it finishes. (If you moved onto a level 4 or above apprenticeship your EHC plan wouldn’t be able to cover this though).
  • If your education or training isn’t at college and isn’t an apprenticeship, the LA could keep your EHC plan going until your course ends or the day before your 26th birthday if you’ll turn 26 before it ends.