Get involved Other ways to give Online shopping Shop online through easyfundraising and you can collect free donations for IPSEA every time you buy something online – and it won't cost you a penny extra. Easyfundraising works with over 2000 retailers who have all agreed to pass a donation to us when you shop with them. The donation is usually a percentage of how much you spend with them but it can also be a set amount (such as £30 for a new car insurance policy). To raise money, instead of going directly to the retailer website where you will be buying something from, log into easyfundraising first and click on the retailer you want to shop with. You’ll then be taken to the retailer’s website where you shop as you would normally, but because you visited easyfundraising first, we get a donation. Sign up here: Shop online through easyfundraising Manage Cookie Preferences