April 2021

IPSEA has had a number of calls in recent weeks from parents who are still waiting for phase transfer annual reviews to be completed. Under Regulation 18, specific statutory deadlines are set for when a child or young person’s EHC plan must be reviewed and, if amendments are needed (because of a move of placement or because needs and provision have changed) amended. 

Deadlines for the review to be concluded AND for the plan to be amended are:

  • School to post 16 – 31 March
  • Post 16 to post 16 – 5 months before date of the transfer
  • Any other transfer – 15 February

Some local authorities (LAs) are telling parents and young people that the reason for the delay is because they don’t have a Transitions team (a team to support transition to adulthood). On checking this, IPSEA has been able to find the contact details for the relevant Transition team through the LA’s Local Offer.

Check out IPSEA’s resources about annual reviews, including our template letters to take action when an LA is not complying with the law. Always check your LA’s Local Offer to see if a service is available too – even if you’re being told it’s not!


April 2021