The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) has asked London Borough of Redbridge to audit all children who receive special educational needs provision at a borough school after the council left a boy without the support he needed for more than two years.

IPSEA’s volunteers regularly advise and support parents and carers whose children have been left without the special education provision that they are legally entitled to. In this case highlighted by the LGSCO, IPSEA provided assistance to the family with their appeal to the SEND Tribunal, and also with their complaint to the Ombudsman.

In law, the local authority (LA) must secure the special educational provision specified in Section F of an EHC plan. You can remind the LA of this duty and take action if the LA isn’t doing so. In addition, if a child of compulsory school age isn’t able to attend school due to illness, exclusion or otherwise, then the local LA must ensure that suitable alternative education is in place.

If you have a question regarding your child’s special education provision, IPSEA has a wealth of free legal guides and resources, or you can book an appointment to speak with us.