Get information and support Free legal guides and template letters Quick guides SEN Support Mainstream nurseries, schools and colleges must support all those with special educational needs (SEN) through SEN Support. This includes: Recording for every child or young person, their SEN, what outcomes it expects the child or young person to achieve, and what provision is being put in place to reach those outcomes. Doing everything that could reasonably be expected of it to meet a child or young person’s SEN (called the "best endeavours" duty). Requesting an EHC needs assessment if it cannot meet a child or young person’s needs. If a child or young person has an EHC plan, doing its best to deliver the special educational provision specified in Section F. If it cannot, the local authority must provide the resources to do so. In addition, for example: Nurseries – must involve parents with decisions around special educational provision. Schools – should meet with parents at least three times a year to discuss the pupil’s SEN and progress record. Colleges – should involve the student and (particularly if aged 16-18) their parents in decisions around the support they receive for their SEN. You can find out more about SEN Support on our website. Manage Cookie Preferences