Get information and support Free legal guides and template letters EHC plans, EHC needs assessments and appeals EHC needs assessments EHC needs assessment and plans FAQs Section F of the draft EHC plan does not detail any of the special educational provision our son needs. There is only a paragraph to say the school will decide how much provision he needs and when. Is this lawful? You are right in thinking that the special educational provision must be specified in Section F of the education, health and care (“EHC”) plan. There must be provision to match each and every one of his special educational needs (“SEN”) which should all be identified in Section B. When a local authority (“LA”) makes an EHC plan for a child or young person, it is in recognition that the school cannot make the special educational provision required and it is up to the LA, not the school, to specify and then secure the special educational provision. See the section on what an EHC plan should contain for more information. You can also use IPSEA’s EHC plan checklist to check whether your draft EHC plan complies with the legal requirements for how it should be set out. You will have at least 15 days in which to write to the LA and make written representations to them about the contents of the EHC Plan and/or ask for a meeting. It is important to do this. Before making your views known you should read through all of the professional advice which you will have received along with the draft EHC plan. There could be specific recommendations about the type and frequency of special educational provision your son requires which must be specified in Section F. In your written representations and/or at your meeting with the LA, ask that the draft EHC plan is amended in order to specify all of the special educational provision your son requires. Remind the LA officer that in law Section F of the EHC Plan must specify all of the special educational provision, regardless of who is delivering it. If you are unable to persuade the LA at the draft EHC plan stage to properly specify all of the provision that is needed then you will need to appeal to the First-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability) when the EHC plan is finalised. The deadline for appealing is two months from the date of the final plan or one month from the date of the mediation certificate, whichever date falls the latest. Manage Cookie Preferences