Get information and support Free legal guides and template letters Signposting for further advice and information Scotland IPSEA does not advise on the law that applies in Scotland so please see the below links for some useful resources for those living in Scotland. Parents and carers in Scotland can contact Enquire - Enquire has a telephone helpline and useful information on its website including this factsheet. Contact provides information and advice for families with disabled children in Scotland: Cerebra has Scotland specific resources available here: The Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS) has a helpline (0808 800 0082) and online chat which is able to provide free advice and information about the Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act 1998. EASS can advise you on identifying the correct protected characteristic (the thing that means you/your child can’t be discriminated against), the sector and the prohibited conduct which applies to your circumstances, or its online information may help you to do this. If you feel you need support in resolving an issue, EASS may be able to contact the organisation who has treated you/your child unfairly on your behalf. EASS provides assistance and advice across England, Scotland and Wales, in different languages and in some cases with specific accessibility support for people with learning difficulties and hearing impairments. EASS also has some helpful resources, including education specific template letters. The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is an independent statutory body with the responsibility to encourage equality and diversity, eliminate unlawful discrimination, and protect and promote the human rights of everyone in Britain. It enforces equality legislation on protected characteristics, such as disability. The EHRC has produced Technical guidance for schools in Scotland which outlines the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 for schools in relation to the provision of education and access to benefits, facilities or services, both educational and non-educational. The EHRC also has Technical guidance on further and higher education. Manage Cookie Preferences