Get information and support Free legal guides and template letters Choosing a school or college Home education and ‘education otherwise’ Home education and 'education otherwise' FAQs It won’t be appropriate for my child’s special educational provision to be made in the school my local authority has said it wants to send her to. Can I ask for education otherwise/EOTAS? If making the provision would be inappropriate at the local authority’s (“LA”) choice of school, could it be appropriate at other schools? If so, and your child could reasonably attend another school, the LA does not have to agree to EOTAS. Whether it’s inappropriate for your child’s special educational provision to be made in any school depends on your child’s specific special educational needs, or maybe the nature of the provision itself. If it would not be appropriate for your child’s provision to be delivered in any school (not just the LA’s choice), the LA can provide EOTAS for your child. Manage Cookie Preferences