Get information and support Free legal guides and template letters How should the local authority help? What support should the LA provide if I am home educating my child? Under Section 7 of the Education Act 1996, you have the right to educate your child at home. This is known as elective home education. The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice says LAs should fund the SEN needs of home-educated children where it is appropriate to do so. However, there is no legal duty on LAs to fund any element of your child’s education if you choose to home educate them. You should consider this carefully before withdrawing your child from school. If your child has an EHC plan, you need to be aware of the implications withdrawing your child from school has too. Generally, your LA has a duty to secure everything that is set out in Section F of your child’s EHC plan. However, if you choose to home educate then this can change. This is because your LA can then decide that you have made suitable alternative arrangements and as a result, this important duty will no longer apply. However, elective home education is different from children being educated ‘otherwise’ than in an education setting (for example, children who receive the majority of their education at home, but that education is provided by the LA or another provider). For more information about this see our section about choosing a school or other setting. Manage Cookie Preferences