If a child or young person has SEN but does not have an EHC plan, they are still entitled to the support necessary to meet their needs.

All mainstream nurseries, schools or colleges should provide support through SEN Support. The FAQs on this page provide more information on what this means in each setting. They must also use their best endeavours to make sure their pupils receive the support they need.

If your child has/ you as a young person have an EHC plan, the nursery, school or college must do their best to deliver the special educational provision specified in Section F. If they cannot do this, the LA, who has an absolute legal duty to your child/you as a young person to secure the provision needed, must provide the nursery, school or college with the resources (finances or expertise) to do so.

Whether or not your child has/you have an EHC plan, the school or college must:

  • tell you if your child has/been identified as having SEN, or if you as a young person have been identified as having SEN
  • identify your child’s/your needs to the best of their ability, and
  • put the right support in place to make sure they/you progress and achieve specified outcomes.

All this information should be documented in a clear record that should be available to you on request.

If your child attends a nursery, they must involve you in decisions around special educational provision. If your child is at school, it should meet with you at least three times a year to discuss the record kept of the pupil’s SEN and progress.

If you attend college however, then it should involve you as the student and (particularly where you are aged 16-18) your parents in decisions around the support you receive for your SEN.