Get information and support Free legal guides and template letters Quick guides SEND Code of Practice (the Code) The Special educational needs and disability code of practice 2015 is important statutory guidance. It tells us lots of the practical steps and things that should be considered when decisions and actions are made and taken in relation to children and young people with special educational needs. If the Code says something must be done, then it is referring to a legal duty that must be complied with. If it says something should be done, then this means the guidance should be followed unless there is a good reason not to. The organisations and bodies who need to consider the SEND Code of Practice are: local authorities (LAs) the governing bodies of schools the governing bodies of institutions in the further education sector the proprietors of academies the management committees of pupil referral units section 41 schools and colleges all early years providers in the maintained, private, voluntary and independent sectors providing free education and childcare places the NHS and Integrated Care Board Youth offending teams and relevant youth accommodation, and the SEND Tribunal Manage Cookie Preferences